Sponsor Us

Recently one of our two teams had an exciting win at the FIRST Tech Challenge Provincials in Surrey, BC. As a result, we have earned the incredible opportunity to go to the World Championships in Houston, Texas, this April.

We are hoping to send 20 people, including students, teachers and mentors on the trip. It is a valuable learning experience; for many students, it will be the only chance they have for an opportunity as monumental as this. One where they will get to meet and collaborate with teams from around the world.

We hope you can help us get to Texas to compete in this event. The total cost of the trip would be around $50,000 Canadian; this is mainly just airfare and accommodations. This is approximately $2,500 per student and along with our expenses up to this point is cost prohibitive and cost can be a barrier for many students.


  • Of course, Financial is one way that people and businesses can help.
  • In all previous years, we have been heavily reliant on parents and grants to help fund the annual costs.
  • As we become a more senior team, some of the grants offered by FIRST are less available, and our expenses can jump significantly when we qualify for World's down in Houston.
  • You can help us in several ways:
    • Be a donor: this is eligible for tax receipts if done through the school district. Details can be found in the button down below and you will be included with other individuals and companies in the donor section of our webpage if you wish.
    • Be a Sponsor: for Canada Revenue Agency Purposes this is separated from regular donors as it comes with a form of expected benefit. Sponsors are not eligible for a tax receipt through the school district.
    • Pledge funds: One of our biggest financial difficulties is not knowing if we will qualify for world championships, and then having to frantically obtain funds. If you or your company are willing to pledge funds conditinally if we qualify, either as a donor or sponsor, please reach out to us directly.

Would you like to know more about sponsoring the Reynolds Reybots? Do you have any questions or comments? Please contact us at reynoldsreybots@gmail.com